A study of different ways of water purification and disinfection of swimming pool 游泳池不同净化消毒方式的研究
A Mathematical Model of Cyclic Purification of the Water in the Swimming Pool 游泳池水循环净化问题的数学模型
The water Purification and Preference of Facilities in Swimming Pool 游泳池水的净化与设备的选择
The performance indicate that the purification function of power plant wastewater by pre-treatment through combination of precipitation pool with storage ponds is effective and therefore the effluent after pretreatment can be used to irrigation vegetation. 运行结果说明,电厂废水的预处理采用沉淀池和贮水塘的组合,净化功能好,出水可作为植物的灌溉用水。
Influence of different ways of water purification and disinfectants upon the pollution parameters of pool water quality 不同净水方法与消毒剂对游泳池水质污染指标的影响
"A new clarifier" as a type of New raw water purification technology, By compressing process on a conventional clarifier, expanding the scope of water turbidity, improving design structure at the end of the pool, to meet Designed treated water requirements. 新型澄清池技术作为新型原水净化技术的一种,为了达到了设计出水的要求,对传统澄清池通常是通过压缩工艺流程、增大进水浊度范围和优化池底设计结构等方法来实现该要求的。